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silverfish in RI home

Why Do I Have Silverfish In My Home?

DATE POSTED: November 14, 2016

There is a simple answer for why you're finding silverfish in your home. And, there is an answer that is far from simple. Let's start with the simple answer first. You have silverfish in your home because they were able to get in. It may seem like a silly answer at first, but the longer you look at it, the more telling it becomes. Here's what you need to know.

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skunk on a homes deck

Protect Your Home From Wildlife Problems This Fall

DATE POSTED: November 10, 2016

Like most of you, I enjoy watching the small furry creatures of the forest go about their daily lives. Squirrels jumping branch to branch, chipmunks chasing each other, and raccoons grabbing for treats inside logs or out of a creek can all be quite entertaining to watch. Wild animals such as these will bring a smile to your face until they have made their home habitat right behind yours. As cute…

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tick on a person stomach in RI

Do You Know That Late Fall Is Tick Season In Maine?

DATE POSTED: November 7, 2016

If you own a dog, or like to go out hunting here in Maine, you are no doubt aware that Lyme disease is a growing problem. This is because Lyme disease is spread by contact with ticks. And, the two common ways people get exposed to ticks is by going out into the woods or having a pet bring them into the house. While fall is not technically considered "Lyme disease season," because the most common…

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