Common Spiders Found In South Portland, Maine
As you are probably aware, we are wicked lucky when it comes to poisonous spiders. The only black widow and brown recluse spiders found in Maine are spiders that climbed in the wrong box and got transported here by accident. The weather in Maine is not ideal for these spiders. So, what kind of spiders do we have? According to the University of Maine, the following eight species of spiders are the most frequent specimens found in the state. Here's what you need to know about them.
Jumping Spiders
Threat: This species is prone to flee from humans and its venom is not considered medically threatening.
This spider belongs to the family Salticidae, of which there are over 4,000 species in the world. Spiders in this family can be found from tropical regions all the way up into the frozen North. Since Maine can sometimes be classified as the "Frozen North," it is not surprising that jumping spiders can be found here.
What you may notice first about this spider is that two of the four large eyes on their face are quite large, and if this arachnid is facing you, it will definitely look like it is staring you down. They also have four other eyes on the top of its carapace. With all these eyes, you'd think that jumping spiders would have great vision--and they do. Of all the spiders on this list, this is a spider that isn't likely to miss you coming.
As their name suggests, jumping spiders jump. In fact, they can jump 25 times their own size. So, if you're looking to keep these bugs out, you're going to want to keep this in mind.
Black and Yellow Garden Spiders
Threat: The bite from this spider is painful and produces redness and swelling, but is not medically threatening.
These orb weaver spiders are also called Common Garden Spiders, so it makes sense why they would be on our list of common spiders. It also makes sense that you're likely to find this spider in your garden or near your outside plants, but they can set up their web near external trash cans if they are open to flying insects.
Banded Argiope
Threat: This spider is not prone to bite unless handled. The bite is described as feeling like a bee sting but is not medically threatening.
Banded Argiope are Orb web spiders and are recognizable by their bold black and yellow coloring, especially on their legs. You're likely going to find this spider hanging out near your garden or ornamentals. They are most active during the daytime, and will spend that time catching and eating flying insects. They are capable of eating creatures twice their size.
Cellar Spiders
Threat: This spider is not known to bite people nor is its venom considered medically important, but that has not deterred the myth about it having one of the most deadly venoms of any spider in the world.
This is a spider that prefers to be inside your home, specifically damp locations like your basement or your lower crawl spaces. These spiders will feed on insects inside your home and in your wall voids.
Crab Spiders
Threat: This spider has venom that can render large insects immobile, but it is not considered to be medically threatening to humans.
This spider belongs to the family Thomisidae. It looks a little bit like a crab, and it moves sideways. These attributes are probably why it got its name. This is not a spider you will generally find inside your home.
Fishing Spiders
Threat: If handled, this spider may bite. Its sting is similar to a bee sting and not medically threatening.
These are large spiders that look like a wolf spider. They get their name from the fact that they hang out near water and catch insects on the surface, but they are considered a tree-dwelling spider. Fishing spiders are considered common household invaders and are likely to show up "down to camp."
Nursery Web Spiders
Threat: The bite from this spider is moderately painful but not medically threatening. It is also a large spider, so the bite mark will be large.
This spider looks like a wolf spider that has been on a diet. Nursery web spiders have a lot in common with fishing spiders and can be found invading homes when they aren't outside hunting for bugs, frogs, and other small animals.
Other Orb Weaver Spiders
Threat: These are non-aggressive spiders that rarely bites humans; and, as you may have guessed, its bite is moderately painful but not medically threatening.
The web made by these spiders is very organized and resembles a circular grid. These webs will usually be found outside where there is an abundance of insects to eat. If you don't want mosquitoes around, you may not mind having orb weaver spiders.
If you need help controlling spiders in your South Portland home give the experts at Big Blue Bug Solutions a call today. You will be glad you did!

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Alley Bergemann, called before arriving on the day of the appointment, showed up on time, and took care of re-baiting the bait traps as needed. She is patient, polite and answered a few questions I had, all with a pleasant demeanor.- Jonathan P.
Their man, Elijah was a gentleman and very knowledgeable professional. He took the time to carefully listen to me when I explained where the ant infestation was found. He explained clearly what he was going to do to address the issue.
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We’ve been using Big Blue Bug for pest control for many years and have been very satisfied! Vince visited today for our regular check in and he is an excellent technician. Thanks, BBB!- Stacey C.
I highly recommend Big Blue Bug Solutions - first - for their customer service. They are professional and efficient and always try to fit me in at a time that is convenient for me. Second, RODNEY IS THE BEST TECHNICIAN!!!!
- Meredith L. -
Peter called to let us know he was on his way and arrived as scheduled. He was very knowledgeable and setup a comprehensive array of traps in each target area to begin capturing the pests and put an end to our troubles.- Mike H.
Shoutout to our tech, Jeremy Cote, who has been servicing our bakery in Richmond and has helped us maintain a pest free environment. He is personable, friendly, and knowledgeable. We highly recommend big blue bug to friends, family, and customers!- Becky M.

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