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What You Need To Know About Silverfish

DATE POSTED: May 28, 2018

Silverfish are fascinating insects from the phylum arthropoda, the subclass apterygota, and the species Lepisma saccharina, but you probably didn't come here for a biology lesson. If you have these pests in your home, you don't need a bunch of fancy words or fancy scientific facts. You want actionable information to help you get rid of those bugs and keep them out for good. Here's what you need to…

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Silverfish Can Be A Sign Of Larger Problems

DATE POSTED: January 30, 2018

Have you ever been walking along in your kitchen or your bathroom and look down at the floor only to see a silvery, slimy, odd-looking bug slithering across the floor? Those creepy pests are called silverfish. They come rightly by their name—they have silver bodies that are flat and can be 1/2 to 1 inch in length and when they move they do so in a fish-like motion. They also have three bristles…

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silverfish crawling on floor

Is There Anything I Can Do About These Silverfish?

DATE POSTED: November 2, 2017

Many people enjoy the Halloween season and the spooks and scares it offers. One scare that is generally undesired though is that of finding pests in your house, particularly such strange pests such as silverfish. These blueish-gray insects seem to wriggle as they crawl across your floors, and can show up almost like uninvited Halloween guests that have no intention of leaving, and every intention…

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