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bee up close on flower

Tackling A Bee Infestation In Worcester

DATE POSTED: August 5, 2022

Bees are important to the ecosystem but can be dangerous if they sting. If you see bees on your property, call a professional for assistance. In the meantime, here are tips on how to handle and prevent an infestation.

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close up of bee on flower

What To Do About Bees Spotted Around South Portland

DATE POSTED: May 21, 2022

Bees are an important part of our planet's ecosystem. They are responsible for pollinating flowers and crops all over the world. Finding these insects usually prompts homeowners to look into getting rid of them. Because bees are rapidly disappearing, it's essential to look for humane ways to deter them from your property by causing as little harm as possible.  Fortunately, extermination experts…

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a paper wasp in its nest

What You Can Do To Keep Wasps Out Of Your Providence Yard

DATE POSTED: July 30, 2020

On the pro side, wasps keep the environment balanced and stable with their pollination and insect-feeding activities. The con side is that if they sting you, it will be painful. Skin redness and inflammation will follow. You could have an allergic reaction to their venom, which may be mild or intense.

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